Jesus could not but asked: where are the Nine? Ten lepers pleaded passionately for him to have mercy on them by healing them. As a result of the regulations of their day, they could not come too close hence they had to lift up their voice from afar off, they were that desperate. As expected of the master, he heeded their cry and told to go show themselves to the priest. This is practice that is only meant for a leper that has been healed for the priest to validate for them to be readmitted into the community, hence it was a journey of faith.

Faithful God indeed! As they went, they were cleansed and only one man came back with a loud voice to give thanks and glorify God. He was a Samaritan. Jesus noted this and asked that profound question: “. . .Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine? ” Lk.17:17

Jesus is waiting for men with a large heart of gratitude, will be one today? God has heard your many heart cry in the course of this year and in your journey till date you have noticed that you have been healed, delivered from many dangers in the year, enthroned over your challenges, kept in the cleft of the rock whilst the raging pestilence passed over, the storms of the year never capsized the boat of your life. The thunders and waves of our time were calmed by his presence and you are now approaching the shore of this glorious year and been sure to safely dock at the harbour of this season: Do you want to come to the master with a loud voice of gratitude and be that one that return or you have joined the Nine that never return?

TODAY if you will return and give glory to God with a loud voice of gratitude, you will not only keep your miracles but they shall be permanent. The Nine were cleansed, healed but the one that returned was made whole Lk.17:19, never to be afflicted again.

Oh! that TODAY you will be determined to return and give him praise, worship, gratitude with a loud voice.


by Pastor Femi Olawale

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