Our title is a coinage of the words ‘heart’ and ‘gratitude’ meaning a heart of gratitude. God can perform miracles in the life of anybody; all He demands is gratitude thereafter. Anyone who lacks gratitude will ultimately miss everything good in life, and may not be blessed again. We see this in the story of the ten lepers Jesus healed in our Bible reading for today. Jesus asked:

….Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine? There are not found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger.

Although Jesus healed ten lepers, it was the one who returned to testify that was made whole. While the attitude of the other nine couldn’t take them beyond their healing, the one who returned to give thanks got not just healing but wholeness. Jesus certified him as permanently healed. You too can receive perfect miracles if you show gratitude to the one and only miracle worker – Jesus Christ.

Some wise children of God even give promissory gratitude by vowing to do one thing or the other in anticipation of their miracles and it works for them. Hannah is a good example; she promised God that if He would give her a male child, she would gratefully dedicate him to God. In the end, she got more than she asked for – six children in all (1 Samuel 2:21).

This is the direct opposite of a so-called Christian who God blessed with a big business opportunity, then picked offense when a man of God suggested that He should thank God. He eventually lost the opportunity. You must cultivate the habit of worshipping God for who He is, thank Him for what He has done in the past, in anticipation of what He will continue to do. He is Jehovah El-Shaddai – the God who is more than enough for all situations. Never trivialize even the miracle of sleeping and waking, among others. You will be more thankful when you see people who cannot ease themselves without medical aid.

When you are grateful to God, you will receive even more blessings of the One from whom all blessings flow. The best way of saying thank you to God for His provision is by giving your life to Christ. You can also show gratitude by paying your tithes consistently (Malachi 3:10). As you do, the Lord will bless you mightily in Jesus’ name.


by Pastor E.A. Adeboye

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