While growing up, my vision was to become the youngest Vice Chancellor in Africa. I aspired to be among the greatest in the academic world and bring prestige to my nation. I wanted to be very great but I wasn’t selfish about my ambition. I intended to make impact in the world and on people.

This is different from selfish ambition because selfish ambition makes one get ahead of others using any means at his/her disposal. Such means may be lying, cheating or any other unholy acts. However, aspiring for greatness requires hard work and discipline.

You can’t do what others are doing if you want to be greater than they. You must go a step higher. One of my children used to say if you want to become great, study great people. This I have done through reading their books, attending their conferences, buying and listening to their audio messages and relating with those who are close to them.

You can also do these if you want to be great.

My dear child, you can become anything you want to be if you set your heart to it.


article by Pastor E.A. Adeboye

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