In our troubled and uncertain economy, gold is seen by many people as a wise investment. We certainly want to be good stewards of the blessings we have received (cf. Matthew 25:14-30). This could lead us to obtain gold. Yet we must remember two points. First, even a “safe” investment like gold is uncertain (cf. 1 Timothy 6:17). Second, as we will focus on in this article, there are some things that will always be more valuable than gold, regardless of how much this precious metal is worth in relation to our nation’s currency.

The Word of God

“The law of Your mouth is better to me than thousands of gold and silver pieces” (Psalm 119:72).

“They [the words of God] are more desirable than gold, yes, than much fine gold” (Psalm 19:10).

Information is valuable. The information contained in the word of God is especially so for several reasons. First, it comes from God (2 Timothy 3:16) and God Himself is more valuable than gold (Job 22:24-25). Second, it addresses the biggest problem in the history of man – sin (Romans 3:23; 6:23). Third, it provides the only solution to this problem (Acts 4:12). Fourth, it will never become outdated or irrelevant. God will not add to it (Jude 3) or change it (Galatians 1:8-9) because doing so is, and always will be, unnecessary.


“My fruit is better than gold, even pure gold, and my yield better than choicest silver” (Proverbs 8:19).

“But where can wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding? Man does not know its value, nor is it found in the land of the living. The deep says, ‘It is not in me’; and the sea says, ‘It is not with me.’ Pure gold cannot be given in exchange for it, nor can silver be weighed as its price” (Job 28:12-15).

Divine wisdom provides life and prosperity (Proverbs 3:13-18). If it is not always realized in this life, it certainly will be in the next [more on this point later]. Wisdom also keeps us from trouble. As wisdom enters one’s heart, the wise man said, “Discretion will guard you, understanding will watch over you, to deliver you from the way of evil” (Proverbs 2:10-22).

The Blood of Christ

“Knowing that you were not redeemed with perishable things like silver or gold from your futile way of life inherited from your forefathers, but with precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ” (1 Peter 1:18-19).

Jesus offered a pure and perfect sacrifice of Himself on the cross (Hebrews 9:14, 28; 7:26-27). The blood which He shed in His death provides forgiveness of sins (Hebrews 9:22; 10:5,10; Ephesians 1:7). Jesus said this blood would be “poured out for many for forgiveness of sins” (Matthew 26:28). How many would this include? His sacrifice was for the whole world (John 3:16).


“So that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 1:7).

Faith is a product of the word (Romans 10:17). Therefore, if the word is more precious than gold (Psalm 119:72; 19:10), our faith would be as well. Faith is valuable because it saves us (Hebrews 11:6; Romans 5:1). Not faith alone, of course (James 2:24), though many people believe this. True faith produces obedience (James 2:26). But we must not minimize the importance of faith – a belief and trust in God. Our faith will be tested (2 Timothy 3:12), just as gold is tested, but we must remain faithful no matter what challenges are placed before us (Revelation 2:10).

A Good Name

“A good name is to be more desirable than great wealth, favor is better than silver and gold” (Proverbs 22:1).

There is a great value in having a good reputation. A good name is made based upon our actions, not just our words. Jesus said, “Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works” (Matthew 5:16). We must lead a life in which we are consistently doing good. We must not “lose heart in doing good” (Galatians 6:9); instead, we must be “always abounding in the work of the Lord” (1 Corinthians 15:58).


“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:19-21).

Treasures on earth are temporal and uncertain (1 Timothy 6:17; Luke 12:20). They are among the things that will be “burned up” in the last day (2 Peter 3:10). In contrast, our treasures in heaven are “imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away” (1 Peter 1:4).

Your Soul

“For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Matthew 16:26).

The soul is the only part of man that is eternal. Our bodies naturally decay (2 Corinthians 4:16). Paul wrote, “Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Corinthians 15:50). When we die, our souls (spirits) will return to God (Ecclesiastes 12:7). We will then be judged according to what we have done (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14; Hebrews 9:27; 2 Corinthians 5:10). To be found pleasing to Him, we must value the things of God more than the things of this world.

No matter how valuable gold is or will become, it can never compare with the spiritual blessings that God offers to us in Christ.


by Andy Sochor

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